Game Dev

Computer games are great at capturing the imagination, inspiring people to want to make their own.

Making games encompasses a wide range of skills – from art to story telling, from calculus to physics.

MakeItZone is interested in fostering these skills! We host a regular Blender/3D graphics/Game Dev meetup, and host Ludum Dare Game Jam events.

We also run camp development classes when we can- it’s a fast moving field, and can be challenging for us to find/test/create material.

Current Programs

Game Dev Club

We run a weekly game dev club for 10-18 year olds who are already experienced coders and digital artists. This is a self guided session with MIZ staff acting as mentors and “assistant researchers/problem solvers”. Participants’ projects have explored Unity, Unreal Engine, MCreator, Godot, BlockBench, Blender, and more. Sessions are Thursday after school or Saturday mornings. Contact us to find out more.

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