Electronics Meetup

From LoraWAN networks, to automated duck-doors, retro-video games, embedded Linux computers (e.g. Rasperry Pis), and more!

Please note that youth are welcome with parental attendance as this is an unsupervised community event.

Latest Posts

  • Community Challenge: Create Activities for a Life Size Game Board

    Community Challenge: Create Activities for a Life Size Game Board

    Adrian is looking for some more games and activities to play on his creation! To speed up the creative process, Adrian has been using the WokWi interactive microcontroller simulator. This allows you to quickly create a virtual microcontroller and add other simulated components, such as LEDs, servos, and more. You create real code and can…


  • Learning Electronics II

    Learning Electronics II

    I was asked for some (more) resources to learn about electronics, especially those that include some details about analog circuits. Here are some personal favorites and others that have been recommended. Dick Smith’s Funway into Electronics This was my way into electronics, and one of the only books I was ever allowed to take scissors…


  • Learning Electronics

    Learning Electronics

    9th January 2024 Electronics/Linux/Retrogaming Meetup At last nights meetup someone asked What online resources are there to learn the basics (fundamentals) of electronics? The short URL of the present article is: https://makeit.zone/go/yz6 Related posts: Electronics Meetup The short URL of the present article is: https://makeit.zone/go/yz6


The short URL of the present article is: https://makeit.zone/go/fsdz
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