WIC: Women Igniting Creativity

Being creative can be hard. It can bring up self critical thoughts in our heads, and it can be hard to carve out time for creative passions. Come join a group of friendly women gathering to support each other in our creative endeavors. Join the project of the night or bring your own project to work on. We inspire each other and support each other to enjoy creating.

Please note that youth are welcome with parental attendance as this is an unsupervised community event.

January – Laser cut earrings

Together we’ll explore downloading and tweaking digital designs and cutting them on the laser cutter.

February – Tinfoil Sculpture

Tin foil is one of the most forgiving and easy to use sculpting mediums. You have to try it to believe it! Take a look at some examples.

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  • WIC Paused

    Our WIC (Women Igniting Creativity) is taking a hiatus – possibly returning in September. If you’d like to see it come back sooner, and can help organize and host sessions, get in touch! Author Julian Rendell View all posts The short URL of the present article is: https://makeit.zone/go/8954 No related posts. The short URL of…

The short URL of the present article is: https://makeit.zone/go/c6r0
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