Sept 13, 2024: Getting Started

Introductions & Notes

  • less YouTube and games
  • more “formal”; specifically recording notes
  • document scanner & annotation tools

Social contract (noun):

An actual or hypothetical agreement among the members of an organized society or between a community and its ruler that defines and limits the rights and duties of each. Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 20 Sep. 2024.

Our Social Contract

No punching the cat (or others)
Will work to go to the convenience store
Will try not to talk over each other during focus times
Hands up to talk during focus time
Do speak up for your needs
No getting freaky with the chairs- even with your own
Be aware of being disruptive
Toilets are not group work areas
Be respectful of yourself and others

Topic Requests

  • how drugs are made
  • chess
  • ballistics
  • roblox or godot game?
  • blender/vfx
  • scale missile/weapon that flies
  • battlebots

Thoughts on Careers over Time

Note: “career” in the diagram means using a different set of skills; not a change in employer but still using the same skills.

    ["How careers have changed
     in the last ~100 years"]
      ["~ 50 years ago"]
        ["1 career"]
      ["50 year old **today**"]
        ["5-6 careers"]
          ["common skills"]
            ["which have in common"]
              ["problem solving"]
              ["applied skills"]
              ["and all need"]
                  ["sometimes it is boring 😖"]
            ["social skills"]

Question: How many careers do you think you will have/want over your working life?

Answer: Maybe 5?

Video of the Day

Math Time

Emojis & Comedy Math

If you find math stressful, you’re not alone…

Math Anxiety

People often say “I’ve never used the math I learnt in high school”… maybe they’re missing an important point:

Neil Degrasse Tyson explains why math is useful

Some good suggestions, and some possible reasons it’s been boring before

Why Should You Study Math?

Practice: KenKen Puzzle

Similar to Sudoku, but adds in the arithmetic operators (➕ / ➖ / ✖️ / ➗).

Here are instructions for how to play.

We completed puzzle #211196.

Map of Mathematics

Maths is a broad topic!

The Map of Mathematics

We won’t be covering all of this- but it’s good to know how it all connects!

Video of the Day

Everyone will take turns to present an interesting video.

It should be ~10 minutes long, and you should plan ~10 minutes of connected activities, such as:

  • fill in the blanks
  • quiz
  • word search
  • cross word
  • etc

We’ll be making time over the next few sessions to do this.

Portfolio Entry


Title: 13 Sept 2024 @MIZ



  • social contract
  • topics of interest for the year
  • why math is useful
  • Presentation topic (my topic)
    • Notes for your topic
  • your afternoon project progress

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