Back to: MIZ Fridays 2024-2025
Introductions & Notes
- less YouTube and games
- more “formal”; specifically recording notes
- document scanner & annotation tools
Social contract (noun):
An actual or hypothetical agreement among the members of an organized society or between a community and its ruler that defines and limits the rights and duties of each. Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 20 Sep. 2024.
Our Social Contract
Topic Requests
- how drugs are made
- chess
- ballistics
- roblox or godot game?
- blender/vfx
- scale missile/weapon that flies
- battlebots
Thoughts on Careers over Time
Note: “career” in the diagram means using a different set of skills; not a change in employer but still using the same skills.
Question: How many careers do you think you will have/want over your working life?
Answer: Maybe 5?
Video of the Day
Math Time
If you find math stressful, you’re not alone…
People often say “I’ve never used the math I learnt in high school”… maybe they’re missing an important point:
Some good suggestions, and some possible reasons it’s been boring before
Practice: KenKen Puzzle
Similar to Sudoku, but adds in the arithmetic operators ( /
Here are instructions for how to play.
We completed puzzle #211196.
Map of Mathematics
Maths is a broad topic!
We won’t be covering all of this- but it’s good to know how it all connects!
Video of the Day
Everyone will take turns to present an interesting video.
It should be ~10 minutes long, and you should plan ~10 minutes of connected activities, such as:
- fill in the blanks
- quiz
- word search
- cross word
- etc
We’ll be making time over the next few sessions to do this.
Portfolio Entry
Title: 13 Sept 2024 @MIZ
- social contract
- topics of interest for the year
- why math is useful
- Presentation topic (my topic)
- Notes for your topic
- your afternoon project progress