MakeItZone is open, and following the BC Provincial and Regional Restrictions.
As well:
- Proof of vaccination is required for in-person sessions with MakeItZone staff
- This requirement extends to any caregivers or support staff that attend. Unvaccinated care-givers doing drop-off/pick up duties may not enter the building.
- Proof of vaccination is required to use any shared facilities
- Masks are mandatory indoors at all times as per provincial guidelines for indoor public areas.
- Stay separated, eg 2 meters apart, whenever possible.
- Use hand sanitizer or wash your hands with soap and water upon arrival, and after using shared equipment.
- Where it will not damage equipment, wipe down any and all surfaces you use. Ask if unsure!
- If possible, use one set of tools/equipment; ie share as few tools as possible
- Limit the number of people in each room to the posted occupancy limits
Vaccination Requirement Exceptions
- medical exemptions – please talk with us before hand so we can plan accordingly to keep everyone safe
- children under 12 – exceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis
Note that we operate a shared-use building. We ask that storage locker renters, and guests of members that rent private space follow these vaccination requirements, but at this point we do not require it for the use of their private spaces.
Please respect the health of your community and do not come if you are experiencing any symptoms, or if you have been recently exposed to anyone experiencing symptoms.
Updated 12 Jan 2022.
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