Upcoming @ MakeItZone

Upcoming Events

This is the list-of-everything: meetups, classes, and events.

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Meetup, Event, Class: What’s the Difference?


“Birds of a feather meet together”: a gathering of a community with a shared interest. They are hosted by MakeItZone with the help of members and interested volunteers. Youth are generally welcome but must be accompanied by a responsible adult. They typically happen regularly. RSVP’ing for meetups is usually not required.

They are by donation, but may have required material charges.


Special occasions that typically happen only once. May be by donation or have a fee.

RSVP’ing is required.


Lessons and mentoring- from one day sessions to multi-week classes. These have a fee to participate.

RSVP’ing is required.

Created with Sketch.
The short URL of the present article is: https://makeit.zone/go/v0c5